Join the Movement

Make a change

Looking for some serious inspiration to make a change in your life? has motivational apparel to help remind you about the goals you want to reach. Keep them close, and the chances that you reach them become even greater

What is #FlipTheSwitch? It's a universal movement of empowerment to help people take control of their lives. Every day we make decisions that shape the paths of our lives. The #FlipTheSwitch movement helps by empowering you to make the best decision for yourself.

No one is coming to help you... only you have the power to make a real change in your life. By joining the #FlipTheSwitch movement, you place yourself in a community of people who genuinely want you to succeed. People who promote success and overall self improvement.
You have to surround yourself with people that push you... inspire you... and make you want more. If the people around you right now are not on the same wavelength as you... walk away. Or you will never secure the lifestyle you want to achieve. Believe that.

The only person that's going to help you make a real change in your life is you. You control your surroundings and where you spend your time - so make the change if you know you aren't in a positive environment.
I get asked all the time... "what drives you"? Even people closest to me have no idea what feeds my fire. Why I continue to push myself and those around me to new heights. Life as we know it is just too fragile to not go for it.

The fear of one day waking up and knowing I didn't take advantage of the gift I have been given in just being alive would be my greatest regret. Knowing this allows my internal drive to push me past the good the bad and the hard times. My goal is to change 10 million lives all over the world with this one hashtag.